Crime Classics            

Last Edited: 09-Apr-2017 A Global British Comedy Collaborative document. Edited by John Lucas
Broadcast source is BBC Radio Four unless otherwise indicated. Recording quality is considered good unless otherwise indicated.

A one-year series of dramas about historical murder cases.

Date Episode
Title Cast Parameters
Crime of Bathsheba Spooner
[no credits on recording]
Lou Merrill, Mary Jane Croft, Herb Butterfield, Sam
Edwards, Tudor Owen, Ben Wright, Bill Johnstone,
Georgia Ellis
music by Bernard Herrmann
written by Morton Fine, David Friedkin
produced and directed by Elliott Lewis
25:46, 6042, M
CBS Radio
Crime of Bathsheba Spooner Lou Merrill, Mary Jane Croft, Herb Butterfield, Sam
Edwards, Tudor Owen, Ben Wright, Bill Johnstone,
Georgia Ellis
music by Bernard Herrmann
written by Morton Fine, David Friedkin
produced and directed by Elliott Lewis
30:09, 7070, M
The Shockingly Peaceful Passing of
Thomas Edwin Bartlett

CBS Radio
The Checkered Life & Sudden Death
of Colonel James Fisk
Lou Merrill, Bill Johnstone, Mary Jane Croft, Martha
Wentworth, Steve Roberts, Harrt Bartell, Paula
Winslowe, Charles Calvert
music by Bernard Herrmann
written by Morton Fine, David Friedkin
produced and directed by Elliott Lewis
28:43, 5027, M
CBS Radio
The Shrapnelled Body Of
Charles Drew, Senior
Lou Merrill, Terry Kilburn, Paul Frees, Ben Wright, Bill
Johnstone, Betty Harford, Irene Tedrow, Tony Ellis
music by Bernard Herrmann
written by Morton Fine, David Friedkin
produced and directed by Elliott Lewis
30:09, 7068, M
CBS Radio
The Terrible Deed of
John White Webster
Lou Merrill, Herb Butterfield, Jay Novello, Jean Howell,
Junius Matthews, Paula Winslowe, Larry Thor,
Martha Wentworth
music by Bernard Herrmann
written by Morton Fine, David Friedkin
produced and directed by Elliott Lewis
30:10, 7072, M
CBS Radio
The Death Of A Picture Hanger
Lou Merrill, Joe Granby, Joe Kearns, Charlotte Lawrence,
Paul Frees, Clayton Post, Sam Edwards, Paula Winslowe
music by Bernard Herrmann
written by Morton Fine, David Friedkin
produced and directed by Elliott Lewis
30:19, 7108, M
CBS Radio
The Final Day Of General Ketchum
and How He Died
Lou Merrill, Paula Winslowe, Russell Simpson, Sarah
Selby, Herb utterfield, Bill Bissell, Dave Young,
Hy Averback
music by Bernard Herrmann
written by Morton Fine, David Friedkin
produced and directed by Elliott Lewis
29:04, 6815, M
CBS Radio
Mr Thrower's Hammer
Lou Merrill, Bill Johnstone, Joseph Kearns, Jay Novello,
Tudor Owen, Eric Snowden, Alastair Duncan,
Paula Winslowe
music by Bernard Herrmann
written by Morton Fine, David Friedkin
produced and directed by Elliott Lewis
30:06, 7059, M
CBS Radio
The Axe and The Droot Family -
How They Fared
Lou Merrill, Herb Butterfield, Mary Jane Croft, Clayton
Post, Sam Edwards, Paul Frees, Charles Davis
music by Bernard Herrmann
written by Morton Fine, David Friedkin
produced and directed by Elliott Lewis
30:08, 7065, M
CBS Radio
The Incredible Trial Of Laura D Fair
Lou Merrill, Mary Jane Croft, Florence Walcott, Bill
Johnstone, Paula Winslowe, Joe Granby, Jean Wood,
Herb Butterfield
music by Bernard Herrmann
written by Morton Fine, David Friedkin
produced and directed by Elliott Lewis
29:51, 6997, M
CBS Radio
The Alsop Family -
How It Diminished And Grew Again
Lou Merrill, Ellen Morgan, Herb Butterfield, Terry
Kilburn, Ben Wright, Betty Harford, Richard Peel,
Ray Lawrence
music by Bernard Herrmann
written by Morton Fine, David Friedkin
produced and directed by Elliott Lewis
29:32, 6924, M
CBS Radio
Your Loving Son, Nero
Lou Merrill, Bill Conrad, Betty Lou Gerson, Sammie Hill,
Edgar Barrier, Hy Averback, Martha Wentworth
music by Bernard Herrmann
written by Morton Fine, David Friedkin
produced and directed by Elliott Lewis
28:59, 6794, M
CBS Radio
The Torment Of Henrietta Robinson
and Why She Killed
Lou Merrill, Sammie Hill, Betty Harford, Joseph Kearns,
Sam Edwards, Lamont Johnson, Paula Winslowe,
Ben Wright
music by Bernard Herrmann
written by Morton Fine, David Friedkin
produced and directed by Elliott Lewis
29:27, 6905, M
CBS Radio
new season
The Bloody, Bloody Banks Of Fall River
Lou Merrill, Irene Tedrow, Herb Butterfield, Jeanette
Nolan, Bill Johnstone, Betty Harford, Sarah Selby,
Paul Frees
music by Bernard Herrmann
written by Morton Fine, David Friedkin
produced and directed by Elliott Lewis
29:43, 6969, M
CBS Radio
The Hangman and William Palmer -
Who Won?
Lou Merrill, Jay Novello, Betty Harford, Ellen Morgan,
Alastair Duncan, Joe Kearns, Ben Wright
music by Bernard Herrmann
written by Morton Fine, David Friedkin
produced and directed by Elliott Lewis
29:44, 6970, M
CBS Radio
The Seven Layered Arsenic Cake
Of Madame Lafarge
Lou Merrill, Edgar Barrier, Irene Tedrow, Bill Conrad,
Eve McVeigh, Joe Kerns
music by Bernard Herrmann
written by Morton Fine, David Friedkin
produced and directed by Elliott Lewis
29:00, 6799, M
CBS Radio
Billy Bonney, Bloodletter -
Also Known As The Kid
Lou Merrill, Dick Beals, Sam Edwards, Clayton Post, Harry
Bartell, Barney Phillips, Lillian Buyeff, Fred Shields, Tony
Barrett, Bill Conrad
music by Bernard Herrmann
written by Morton Fine, David Friedkin
produced and directed by Elliott Lewis
30:41, 7194, M
CBS Radio
John Hayes - His Head and How
They Were Parted
Lou Merrill, Betty Harford, Ben Wright, Alastair Duncan,
Richard Peel, Bill Johnston, Charles Davis, Jeanette
Jane Webb
music by Bernard Herrmann
written by Morton Fine, David Friedkin
produced and directed by Elliott Lewis
29:28, 6909, M
CBS Radio
Raschi Among The Crocodiles and
The Prank He Played
Lou Merrill, Edgar Barrier, Jack Edwards, Jane Webb,
Jack Kruschen, Ben Wright, Bill Conrad, Eric Snowden
music by Bernard Herrmann
written by Morton Fine, David Friedkin
produced and directed by Elliott Lewis
30:04, 7048, M
CBS Radio
Blackbeard's Fourteenth Wife -
Why She Was No Good For Him
Lou Merrill, Bill Conrad, Ben Wright, Jack Kruschen,
Alastair Duncan, Joe Kearns, Richard Peel,
Betty Harford
music by Bernard Herrmann
written by Morton Fine, David Friedkin
produced and directed by Elliott Lewis
29:24, 6894, M
CBS Radio
The Triangle On The Round Table Lou Merrill, Bill Conrad, Bill Johnstone, Ben Wright,
Lamont Johnson, Edgar Barrier, Ellen Morgan, Bob Cole
music by Bernard Herrmann
written by Morton Fine, David Friedkin
produced and directed by Elliott Lewis
29:26, 6902, M
CBS Radio
The Killing Story Of William Corder
and The Farmer's Daughter
Lou Merrill, Betty Harford, Richard Peel, Joe Kearns,
Jeanette Nolan, Alma Lawton, Donald Lawton
music by Bernard Herrmann
written by Morton Fine, David Friedkin
produced and directed by Elliott Lewis
27:53, 6538, M
CBS Radio
If A Body Need A Body, Just Call
Burke and Hare
Lou Merrill, Jack Kruschen, Jay Novello, William
Johnstone, Jeanette Nolan, Charles Davis, Betty
Harford, Richard Peel
music by Bernard Herrmann
written by Morton Fine, David Friedkin
produced and directed by Elliott Lewis
28:45, 5057, M
CBS Radio
The Assassination Of Abraham Lincoln Lou Merrill, Irene Tedrow, Herb Butterfield, Barney
Phillips, Clayton Post, Mary Jane Croft, Betty Lou
Gerson, Bill Conrad, Roy Glenn, Jack Edwards, Junius
Matthews, Sammie Hill
music by Bernard Herrmann
written by Morton Fine, David Friedkin
produced and directed by Elliott Lewis
29:23, 6891, M
CBS Radio
John and Judith - Their Crime and
Why They Didn't Get To Enjoy It
Lou Merrill, Ben Wright, Betty Harford, Jeanette Nolan,
Irene Tedrow, Norma Vardon, Alec Harford
music by Bernard Herrmann
written by Morton Fine, David Friedkin
produced and directed by Elliott Lewis
28:56, 6782, M
no program due to Christmas?

CBS Radio
Coyle and Richardson -
Why They Hung In A Spanking Breeze
Lou Merrill, Clayton Post, Walter Tetley, Georgia Ellis,
Herb Butterfield, Gladys Holland, Charles Calvert
music by Bernard Herrmann
written by Morton Fine, David Friedkin
produced and directed by Elliott Lewis
29:39, 6953, M
CBS Radio
The Younger Brothers and
Why Some Of Them Grew No Older
Lou Merrill, Barney Phillips, Sam Edwards, Clayton Post,
Jimmy Eagles, Bill Bissell, Sam Edwards, Walter Tetley
music by Bernard Herrmann
written by Morton Fine, David Friedkin
produced and directed by Elliott Lewis
29:15, 6860, M
CBS Radio
How Supan Got The Hook Outside
Lou Merrill, Bill Conrad, Byron Kayne, Lillian Buyeff,
Julie Bennett, Jack Kruschen, Alastair Duncan
music by Bernard Herrmann
written by Morton Fine, David Friedkin
produced and directed by Elliott Lewis
30:19, 7110, M
CBS Radio
Madeline Smith, Maid Or Murderess Lou Merrill, Florence Walcott, John Dehner, Betty
Harford, Bill Johnstone
music by Bernard Herrmann
written by Morton Fine, David Friedkin
produced and directed by Elliott Lewis
30:01, 7036, M
CBS Radio
The Boorn Brothers & The Hangman Lou Merrill, Virginia Gregg, Lamont Johnson, Bill
Conrad, Jack Kruschen, Irene Tedrow, Joe Kearns,
Herb Butterfield
music by Bernard Herrmann
written by Morton Fine, David Friedkin
produced and directed by Elliott Lewis
29:32, 6926, M
CBS Radio
The Incredible History Of John Shepard Lou Merrill, Jerry Desmond, Ellen Morgan, Alastair
Duncan, D.J. Thompson, Richard Peel, Ben Wright,
Betty Harford
music by Bernard Herrmann
written by Morton Fine, David Friedkin
produced and directed by Elliott Lewis
30:13, 7083, M
CBS Radio
Twenty-three Knives Against Caesar Lou Merrill, Edgar Barrier, Betty Harford, Hy Averback,
Lou Krugman, Harry Bartell, Marvin Miller, Irene Tedrow
music by Bernard Herrmann
written by Morton Fine, David Friedkin
produced and directed by Elliott Lewis
30:00, 7034, M
CBS Radio
Jean Baptiste Troppmann Lou Merrill, Larry Dobkin, Jack Edwards, Kurt Martell,
Joe Kearns, Irene Tedrow, Junius Matthews, Dix Davis
music by Bernard Herrmann
written by Morton Fine, David Friedkin
produced and directed by Elliott Lewis
27:56, 6549, M
CBS Radio
The Good Ship Jane Lou Merrill, Ben Wright, Gary Montgomery, Herb
Butterfield, Paul Frees, Steve Roberts, Bill Johnstone
music by Bernard Herrmann
written by Morton Fine, David Friedkin
produced and directed by Elliott Lewis
30:14, 7087, M
CBS Radio
Roger Nems Lou Merrill, Ben Wright, Alastair Duncan, Richard Peel,
Betty Harford, Ellen Morgan, Gary Montgomery
music by Bernard Herrmann
written by Morton Fine, David Friedkin
produced and directed by Elliott Lewis
29:53, 7008, M
CBS Radio
New Hampshire, The Tiger &
Brad Ferguson
Lou Merrill, Lamont Johnson, Jeanne Bates, Jack
Kruschen, Mary Jane Croft, Parley Baer, Paula
Winslowe, John Dehner

CBS Radio
Old Sixtoes -
How He Stopped Construction
On The BBC&I
Lou Merrill, Herb Butterfield, Jane Webb, Jack
Edwards, Jack Kruschen, Ben Wright
music by Bernard Herrmann
written by Morton Fine, David Friedkin
produced and directed by Elliott Lewis
30:21, 7115, M
CBS Radio
Francisco Pizarro: His Heart on
a Gloden Knife
Lou Merrill, Edgar Barrier, Bill Conrad, John Dehner,
Harry Bartell, Jack Kruschen, Hy Averback

CBS Radio
Robby-Boy Balfour Lou Merrill, Ben Wright, Bill Johnstone, Betty Harford,
Virginia Gregg, Steve Roberts, Norman Field

CBS Radio
The General's Daughter, The Czar's
Lieutenant & The Linen Closet
Lou Merrill, Hy Averback, John Dehner, Lillian Buyeff,
Barney Phillips, Vic Perrin, Irene Tedrow
music by Bernard Herrmann
written by Morton Fine, David Friedkin
produced and directed by Elliott Lewis
29:40, 6955, M
CBS Radio
James Evans, Fireman Lou Merrill, Ben Wright, Florence Walcott, Betty
Harford, Richard Peel, Paula Winslowe,
Alastair Duncan
music by Bernard Herrmann
produced and directed by Elliott Lewis
30:04, 7051, M
CBS Radio
Cesare Borgia -
His Most Difficult Murder
Lou Merrill, Whitfield Connor, Bill Conrad, Betty Lou
Gerson, Lamont Johnson, Edgar Barrier, Hy Averback,
Larry Thor
music by Bernard Herrmann
written by Morton Fine, David Friedkin
produced and directed by Elliott Lewis
29:28, 6909, M
CBS Radio
Widow Magee & The Three Gypsies Lou Merrill, Hy Averback, Shep Menkin, Bill Conrad,
Sammie Hill
music by Bernard Herrmann
written by Morton Fine, David Friedkin
produced and directed by Elliott Lewis
29:31, 6921, M
CBS Radio
Bunny Baumler -
His Close Brush with Fame
Lou Merrill, Howard McNear, Irene Tedrow, Jack
Kruschen, Paula Winslowe, Edgar Barrier, Benny
Rubin, Martha Wentworth
music by Bernard Herrmann
written by Morton Fine, David Friedkin
produced and directed by Elliott Lewis
30:22, 7120, M
CBS Radio
Mr Clarke's Skeleton In
Mr Aram's Closet
Lou Merrill, Ben Wright, Richard Peel, Betty Harford,
Ellen Morgan, Herb Butterfield, Charles Davis,
Bill Johnstone
music by Bernard Herrmann
written by Morton Fine, David Friedkin
produced and directed by Elliott Lewis
30:18, 7105, M
19-May-1954 --
no program?

CBS Radio
The Lethal Habit of
Marquise De Brinvilliers
Lou Merrill, Mary Jane Croft, Herb Butterfield,
Lamont Johnson, Joe Kearns, Shep Menkin,
Truda Marson, Irene Tedrow, Barney Phillips
music by Bernard Herrmann
written by Morton Fine, David Friedkin
produced and directed by Elliott Lewis
29:12, 6814, M
CBS Radio
Mr Jonathon Jewett Lou Merrill, Lee Millar, Elliott Lewis, John Dehner,
Vic Perrin, Junius Matthews, Byron Kane
music by Bernard Herrmann
written by Morton Fine, David Friedkin
produced and directed by Elliott Lewis
30:15, 7094, M
CBS Radio
The Assassination Of Leon Trotsky
Lou Merrill, Herb Butterfield, Irene Tedrow, Jack
Kruschen, Miliza Milo, Barney Phillips, Edgar
Barrier, Charles Calvert
music by Bernard Herrmann
written by Morton Fine, David Friedkin
produced and directed by Elliott Lewis
28:56, 8482, s
CBS Radio
The Death Of A Baltimore Birdie
& Friend
Lou Merrill, Ted deCorsia, Jerry Hausner, Paula
Winslowe, Mary Jane Croft
music by Bernard Herrmann
written by Morton Fine, David Friedkin
produced and directed by Elliott Lewis
29:51, 6967, M
CBS Radio
Ali Pasha - A Turkish Delight Lou Merrill, Hans Conreid, Jack Kruschen, Paula
Winslowe, Lillian Buyeff, Kurt Martell, Vic Perrin,
Edgar Barrier
music by Bernard Herrmann
written by Morton Fine, David Friedkin
produced and directed by Elliott Lewis
28:06, 6590, M
30-Jun-1954 51
Good Evening, My Name Is
Jack The Ripper
Lou Merrill,  Betty Harford, D.J. Thompson, Ben
Wright, Paula Winslowe, James McCallion, Irene
Tedrow, Richard Peel

Documentaries and Collateral Material
Date Title Cast Parameters