Tartt, Donna

Last Edited: 03-Jan-2019 A Global British Comedy Collaborative document. Edited by John Lucas
Broadcast source is BBC Radio Four unless otherwise indicated. Recording quality is considered good unless otherwise indicated.

Date Title Cast Parameters
21-Oct-2013 to
The Goldfinch
  1. Tiny Yellow Bird, Faint beneath a Veil of Dust
  2. Ring the Green Bell
  3. A Morphine Lollipop
  4. Under a Desert Sky
  5. What Are You Doing Here?
  6. Revolver, Roadside or Roof
  7. I Won't Forget You
  8. Museum Masterworks Recovered in the Bronx
  9. I Know About the Museum
  10. Friend of My Youth
  11. Negotiable Instrument
  12. Who I Needed to Be With
  13. This Is for You
  14. No-One Knows of This Thing Except Us
  15. Sometimes You Have to Lose to Win
The reader is Jamie Parker
The abridger is Sally Marmion
The producer is Di Speirs
13:51, 12966, S
13:47, 12915, S
13:44, 12860, S
13:44, 12862, S
13:48, 12924, S
13:53, 12995, S
13:49, 12936, S
13:50, 12953, S
13:44, 12857, S
13:46, 12886, S
13:41, 12811, S
13:53, 12994, S
13:47, 12908, S
13:44, 12868, S
13:50, 12947, S

Documentaries and Collateral Material
Date Title Cast Parameters